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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Burt's Bees - Coconut Foot Creme with Vitamin E

I decided to start with one of my favorites.

Secret: I have horrific feet. Seriously, whether I wear socks, slip-ons, running shoes, heels, or flip-flops I end up with crusty heels.

Solution: This stuff.

© 2012 Morgan Elizabeth Photography
I've found it multiple places, the cheapest being at Target for $8.99... and I've definitely seen it as expensive as $13.

What it is: Thick, smells like buttery coconut, and is almost completely natural (part of the fabulocity of the Burt's line.) And that stuff above is shredded coconut, not the creme... in case you wondered. 

 How to use it: For the best results, wash your feet and exfoliate with something heavy-duty, like a pumice stone. I'd suggest putting it on at night, and put on socks after slathering your feet with the stuff to keep the mess to a minium. In the morning, your feet will be anywhere between significantly less rough, to completely smooth. When I keep this up, I can wear sandals (joy!) without the self-consciousness, and play footsie with wild abandon. 

The Cons: There's not much negativity I can muster for this fab creme, but the lack of half a heart is for the fact that my feet don't feel very moisturized in the morning. Smooth, yes, but not hydrated. I usually end up putting on a lighter foot creme that isn't as thick once I shower in the morning. 

So rejoice honey; your feet have salvation! 

Until next time, 



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